A note from the poet

Our country is in a sad state of division with regards to political ideology. However, I believe that we are not divided by what makes us human: such things as tears, sorrow, loss, as well as renewal and joy. The best poetry transcends and unites, reaches the heart by expressing what is common to the human spirit.

I believe inspiration is the true work of a poet – to use words like paint to make the world fresh, to enliven the ordinary, to render the insignificant eloquent.

Poetry is everywhere, and therefore, I never leave home without my notebook, my verbal camera, jotting down a ‘snapshot’ of how the ocean turns liquid silver just before sunset, or the body language of a leafless tree. Even remote images or feelings unrecorded never really leave, but store themselves in the brain’s hard drive to later find expression.

Although it is true that there is nothing new under the sun, a common experience filtered through the unique life experiences of a particular poet can expand and refresh our own understanding of a subject.

-Valerie Macon

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Chasing After the Wind
 A poetic journey that captures the impermanence that sculpts our world, the fragile balance between creation and decay.

Yes, Autumn

by Valerie Macon

Let me wander

through autumn woods,

trees dressed in orange, red and gold,

sky blue as morning glories,

startle at seas of pumpkins

growing fat in fields, 

race through rustling corn mazes. 

Let me savor the spice of

pumpkin pie, pumpkin latte, 

pumpkin lip balm, pumpkin candles,

pumpkins and potted mums on porches.

Yes, l want to rake and jump

into gathered heaps 

of glorious autumn leaves.